According to Waugh, D. (2009), Urban Centre is the large and densely populated urban areas may include several independent.
Urban area/ Centre is an area which is characterized by high population density and vast human features in comparison to the areas surrounding it. It may be cities, town or conurbation and created to furtherdeveloped by the process of urbanization.
According to Waugh, D. (2009), Economic problem is the scarcity or that the finite resources available are insufficient to satisfy all human wants and needs.
According to Cirrinciane, J. (1983) Social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community views as being undesirable. These problems such as murders and dwitrafic deaths social problems directly or indirectly affect a person or many members of the society and are considered to be problem controversies related to moral values or both.
 There are lots of problems facing urban centres in social aspect as follows. The pull and rapid growth of cities in the developing countries has lead to serious problems in providing basic needs to the society. These are:-
Poor housing, despite some promising initiatives most authorities have been unable to provide adequate shelter and services for the rapidly growing urban population and so the majority of the poor have to fend for themselves and survived by their own efforts. Estimates suggest that one third of the urban dwellers in developing countries either can not afford or can not find accommodation that meets basic health and safety standards consequentrly they are faced with three altenativesti sleep on pavements or in public places or to build themselves a shelter possibly with the help of the local craftman.
               “The LDCs are an able to house the rapid growing
the number of poor people, their cities are growing
because of overall population increase and migration
from rural areas for job opportunities because of the
housing shortage a large percentage of poor immigrant
to urban areas in LDCs live in squatter settlements.[1](James 1978,pg433)
            Services, only small areas within many developing cities have running water and mains sewage. Rubbish dumped in the street is rarely collected.When heavy rainfall especially in the moon soon countries the drains are inadequate to carry the surplus water away. The lack of electricity hinder industrial growth and  effectht materials standard of  living in homes. Ther is a shortage of schools and teachers, hospitals and doctors and nurses, police, fire and amburenceservices are unreliable,shops may only sell essentials and food may be exposed to that and infection carrying flies.
             Pollution and health, drinking water is often contaminated with sewage which may give rise to outbreak of cholera, typhoid and dysentery, for example in Arusha town in Mbauda, ground the bus terminal, ngarenaro street mianzini areas and njiro street are mostly highly facing  y diseases as mentioned. The uncollected rubbish is an ideal breading ground for diseases. In these areas many children have worms and suffer from malnutritionas their diet lacks fresh vegetables, proteins, calories and vitamins. Industry also contributing to the increase of pollution forexampleCoca-Cola industry, transform industry and ungalimited industry these discharges waste products in to the ceil which may cause respiratory diseases and or into water supplies.
            Unemployment  and underdevelopment, the new arrivals to a city far outnumberthe jobs available  and so high unemployment rates results. In most now days in Arusha region the large part of industries work are done by using machine which facilitates work so this replaced the unemployment opportunities to the people. Forexampletanform, beverage industries and ungalimited industry so this is the problem facing urban centres.
                      “The under class suffers from relatively high class rates
to unemployment which hinder from hinder by drug
addiction, illiteracy, juvenile, delinquency and crime.
There school are deteriorated and affordable house is
increasingly deferent to find.” [2](Knox, 2003)
            Transport, relatively few developing cities can afford an elaborate public transport  system. Example in Arusha town the transport network  system is not  affordable  the basic  needs of the city, example poor road from Arusha bus terminal  to Moshi is too small to accommodate the large number of cars  passing there, some areas like around NMB are faced by rough roads. In Arusha region there is only one airport, so this is the problem  which hinder the town; the Plaines which are flies they are too many.

According to Allen, A. (2009), there are several numbers of problems facing urban cities  such as:-
             Urban ecosystem, in particular urban ecosystem management requires  social environmental, economic and decision making tools and institution that are flexible and can adopt quickly to change in one or more component. In urban areas forexample in arusha region such as ngarenaro street, area around (EAC) East Africa Community,  usa street. Cirrinciane J argues that;
                            The urban ecosystem is poorly understood in terms
in term of constituent parts poorly delineated in
term of its geographic boundaries and under valued.
In many environments the carrying capacity such as
ability to accommodate external influences such as pollution
and other forms of environmental and ecological impacts most
reach a tipping point.[3](Cirrinciane J, 1983)
             Environment climate change, the impact of climate change and the associated risks to populations in urban areas is complex dynamic and dependent on a wideand diverse set of global nationaland local urban factories. According to international panel of climate change (IPCC), the earth’s average temperature has risen approximately 0.74’c over the last century due in large part to increase lamission of heart trapping GHGs and this trend is expected to continue and accelerate. Now days this is due to the climate change the economic of the town decreases.
            Poverty, the poverty is growing faster in urban areas than in rural areas which is forcing people to live in unhygienic and dangerous condition. The unhealthy and unplanned growth of mega cities is causing serious to the government.
             Air pollution from the industries such as bakery, tanform, beverage industries are more contributing in economic problem facing cities in Arusha. Air pollution are one of the main culprits among others degrading the environment and making cities unbearable to live in (Sha 2013).
             Environmental degradation also hinder the economic development, due to the speed of population growth cities are unable to devote many resources to environmental problems, forexample in South Africa the population now days is growing rapidly due to different reasons, this increase of population leads to the environmental degradation. Industries and human wastes pile up burning of wastes  can cause environmental degradation.[4](Knox, P 2003)
             Fiscal problems, this refers to the increasing difficulty of rainy sufficient tax revenue to pay for the up keep of urban infrastructure growth in property tax revenues form older large number of low income  migrants and immigrant also bring increased demand for municipal services.
             Infrastructure problems, as the rate of urban growth in core countries has slowed public spending on the urban infrastructure of roads, bridges, gas Supplies Street righting, water and drains has declined the economic growth in the urban cities. Infrastructure building up slowly, when a bridge collapses or when water bursts a bridge. This problem mostly occurs in the Mozambique in 1999 had cause many problems to the city because of flood destructed the main infrastructure“Peripheral cities have always been congested, but in recent years the modernizing influence of formal sector activities has turned the congestion into near gridlock”[5](Waugh,2009).
Industrial waste water, dissolving salt and chemicals from highway de-icing nitrates and ammonia from fertilizers and sewage and coliforms beetercsfrom septic tank and sewage many cities still use water cleaning technology dating to first world war contaminated of water led to the illness like diahorrea and cholera.
Annexation problem, for many cities, economic problems are exacerbated by their inability to annex peripheral land. Annexation is a process of legally adding land area to city, rules concerning annexation vary among states, normally land can be annex in to a city only if a majority of residents of in the affected area vote in favor or doing so.
“Today however cities are less likely to annex peripheral level because  the residents prefer  to organizes their own services rather than pay city taxes for them .As a result to days cites have surroundinded by a collection  of suburban  jurisdictions whose residents prefer to remain legally independent to the large city”[6](Pascal, 1984)

By concluding that,this cities have used that man to invests in local assets spurs local business   formation and development, better employ local people and utilise their skills and invest in improving quality of  a place.Redevelopment that address social equity economic opportunity and sense of place offer. Example of successfully bottom up community tag builds in local strength. This redevelopment effort  are more offer indistinct opposition to mega real estate, ventures such as festival market places and sports stadium  which promised   comprehensive  urban renaissance. Redevelopment have addressed  issues of social and economic equity through local economic development which create new job to unemployed local residence and provide net tax increases to cities.Restructuring of urban fabric that has accompanied macro scale economic changes that has exacerbated urban social inequality by creating and maintaining part tens of social special excretion. The persistence of spatial segregation, pervert homelessness urban crime and neighbourhood change through gentrification. Have been set the debate about the worthiness of those who have been marginalize by those changes.Government can advance the employment creation goals by entering into partnership with local  enterprises  Pascal argue that ‘’in addition to generate employment, partnership for the local job creation has important qualitative effects by encouraging innovation broadening the local economics structures and general improving the businesses climate.
Cirrinciane J, (1983) World Geography health and company McGraw.Hill USA.
Gets F (2008) human geography ,McGraw, hill companies, New York 
Waugh D. (2009) An Intergreted Approach, Nerson Thrones Ltd, United Kingdom.
Knox, P.L. (2003) Human Geography Places and Region in Global Context, pearson education ink, USA.
Pascal, A (1984). Cities For the 21st  Century, Head of Publication Services OECD, France