psychology refers to the scientific study of behavior and mental process encompassing of just people`s do but their biological activities like feelings,perceptions,memory,reasoning and thoughts.
        Psychology is the study of mental processes, behavior, and the relationship between them. Mental process includes skills like leaning, resoning, emotins and motivation.
      The mental process that cannot be obsevered directly such as feeling, thinking and remembering
      Also psychology can be defined as a scientific study of human with the object of understanding why livings being have as they do.
The word psychology comes from Greek words “pcshe” meaning spirit, soul, breath and mind. And “logia meaning a study of something. Hence it can be defined as study of soul and mind.
                                  Historically psychology is said has long a short history. Psychology past centuries old because it includes philosophy the study of knowledge, reality and human nature in contrast philosophy is really most happened over the 120 years .Its origin can be traced back to Greek 400-500 years BC. The emphasis was a philosophical one with the great thinkers such as secretes influencing Plato who in turn influencing Aristotle. Yet the ideas in psychology past are intimately tied to the present.
    Philosophers and theologians used to discuss many topics on the issues concerning ,memory,motivation,dreams and other related to human behavior, therefore before psychology to become an independent field was used to part of philosophy.
             The main method used then was reasoning. The concepts of dualism was introduced in 7th century whereby the world was perceived as being divided into two dependent namely matter and mind controlling the body s movements, sensations and perceptions,  whereby a British philosophers “John Locke” believed  that knowledge is  acquired  through empiricism which are observation and experience. Henceful those philosopher had a great contribution on historic subject matter and methods of studying psychology 
                                          BRANCHES OF PSYCHOLOGY
 The psychology of today can be specialized in various fields such as such as social psychology,educational,clinical counceling,experimental, developmental, evolutionary ,cognitive etc.
     The following are field that psychology today can be specialized such as;
   i)  Clinical psychology is integration of science, theory and clinical knowledge for the purpose of understanding, preventing and receiving psychologically based distreed or dysfunction and to promote subjective well being and personal development.
   ii)  Educational psychology which is branch of psychology that works within the educational system to help children with emotional, social and academic issues.
   iii) Developmental psychology deals with growth of change of people throughout their life span from the conception to death.
  Iv) Cognitive psychology is the study of mental process such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving and thinking.
  v) Social psychology is the scientific study of how people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors are the actual imagined or implied presence of others.
  Vi) Industrial psychology also is the branch of psychology which is uses research to enhance improves product and usability.
   vi) Evolution psychology is an approach in the social and natural sciences that                                 examines psychological traits such as memory ,perception and language from a modern evolutionary  perspective.
    Moreover By-Psychology is the branch of psychology that examines how biological features and function of the body affect behavior.
   psychology in recent years has been an explosive growth in approaches to psychology which studies thinking, language, problem solving and others internal process even though some of topics  were rejected  form many year  after the rise of behaviors  so it may be fair to say that psychology has recently regained consciousness.
1.      Copper, Heron and Howard      psychology applied behavior analysis.  Columbus, Merrill’s republishing company (1987)
2.      Allen, J. J. B., Harmon-Jones, E., & Cavender, J. H. (2001). Asymmetry biofeedback alters self-reported emotional Manipulation of frontal EEG responses and through facial  EMG. Psychophysiology, 38, 685-693.
3.      Drake, R. A., & Myers, L. R. (2006). Visual attention, emotion, and action tendency: Feeling activor passive. Cognition and Emotion, 20, 608-622. (cited in the Emotion chapter)
4.      Harmon-Jones, E., Vaughn-Scott, K., Mohr, S., Sigelman, J., & Harmon-Jones, C. (2004). Th effect of manipulated sympathy and anger on left and right frontal cortical activity. Emotion, 4,
95-101. (Motivation and Emotion chapter, Human development .second edition by Grace J.Craing

                      University of massachsetts.