is important part of management and plays important role in managerial
operations. If there is any single factor that differentiates between
successful and unsuccessful organization, it could be considered as effective
Leadership as the art of influencing
and inspiring subordinates to perform their duties, willingly, competently and
enthusiastically for archiving of group objectives
Management; Is
the effective and efficient integration and coordination of resources in order
to archive desired objectives
a person who plans, organize, direct, control and thus coordinates activities
in order to move the organization towards its objectives.
area in which head teacher can perform both leadership and management in
primary school are categorized into the following groups
head teacher as a leader at school has basic roles to perform namely; to create
an inspiring vision and lead by example; Empower, inspire and energize people
and build lead team.
Create and inspiring vision and
lead by example
head teacher creates an inspiring vision, establish shared valve give direction
and set stretch goal .The head teachers manage change, take risks, create
change lead charge and manage resistance to charge.
Empower, inspire and energize
head teacher should be enthusiastic, inspire and energize people, create a
positive work environment.
Build and lead a team
head teacher use team approach, facilitate cooperation, involve everyone trust
your group.He/she brings out best in your people have common touch with them,
involve everyone trust your team (group)
(i).Interpersonal roles;
(ii).Information roles;
(iii).Decisional roles;
leadership is important part of management and plays a vital role in managerial
operations. If there is any single factor that differentiates between
successful and unsuccessful organization, effective leadership and its roles
seems to be very important in any operating organization.
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