Pre colonial economy and Colonia l economy

Pre colonial economy is the kind of economy system which took place in Africa before colonialism in Africa majour participant of pre colonial economy was the African people.Pre colonial economy there is industries ,mining, Agriculture ,trading activities, hunting and gathering .
            Colonia l economy is the kind of metropolis nation economy that introduced in Africa during nineteen century d the majour participant of coloial economy was the white man.  or
                  Colonial economy was the geographical extension of the Europe on imperialist economy in the colonies. It was imperialist economy which was established on Africa to serve the needs of demands of Europe imperialism or monopoly capitalists. The aim of colonial economy was to get raw materials, market area, and area for investment and cheap labor. types of colonial economy are Colonial Agriculture, Colonial Mining, Colonial trade, Limited industries, Infrastructure , Financial and Insurance institution
By the end of nineteenth century European power had already subdued and extended the rule almost through the entire continent of Africa .To metropolitan state of colonials  the purpose of their economy was  to promote maximum economic exploitation  at minimum cost  so that  the nature of colonial was  externally aligned.

Colonial economy was associated with the land alienation while the pre colonial economy was not land alienated .Before colonialism African people  were engaged in cultivating their own farm without land alienation from other but when European introduce the colonial economy they introduce the land alienation in order to get more land to establish big plantation in Africa.
            “most of the colonial powers confiscation land  from East
             African people And resulted in reserves Through  forceful
             land appropriate ,they obtained Land for plantation
            agriculture ,mission station ,administration headquarter”[1] 

 Pre colonial economy was low level of  science and technology while the colonial economy was in high technology. During pre colonial economy in Africa were based in low level of technology in their activities in mining , industries , agriculture, example in Agriculture were used hand hoe while colonial economy  were advanced in technology example uses of modern machine station
           “Plantation were scientifically managed  and involve
             The use of machines  and fertilizers  for  qualitative
             and quantitative output  to meet the demand of metropolis”[2]

Pre colonial associated with barter trade while the colon Ial economy was not associated with barter trade .Most of the African societies especially East African people in they conduct barter System of trade within their county  and this barter  was the trade of exchanging  good for goods While the colonial economy was conducted the continental trade with the outsiders.
                          “early trade was carried out  on the basic  of barter
                           This  is the exchange of goods for goods  of people
                           Who had access to good clay would  make  more
                            Than  they needs another groups  that  was killed
                           In iron working  might exchange tool such as axes
                            And hand hoe for pots”[3]
           Colonial economy was used money as a medium of exchanging  while in Pre colonial economy was not use money as a medium of exchanging .During the colonial economy money as used as the medium of exchanging in all forms of trade  system while the pre colonial economy use system of exchanging good for goods.
             “The medium exchanging was primary on barter system
               That is the exchanging of goods for goods to what’s  was
               Produced for what’s produced  in society”[4]
Colonial economy associated with the introduction of taxation while the pre colonial economy was not associated with any kind of taxes in their production or outsides the  he production. Example in colonial economy  the owner of the plantation  forced the east African peopl  To pay taxes in term of money  and to get those money man left their family to the plantation in order to get money  for paying taxes.
              “The introduction of hurt taxes and poll taxes in 1923
                Improve the labour situation as African had to work
                In order to pay their taxes”[5]

 Colonial economy was associated with the introduction of cash crops while the pre colonial economy was associated with the  food crops only. During the pre colonial economy most of the East African people were engaged in the cultivation of food staff for the domestics uses only but the surplus was for  barter trade while the Colonial economy was introduce  cash crops for their industries in Europe.
               “sisal was introduced in Kenya 1902 in large plantation
                 Were established in thinka encourage the crowing of
Pre colonial economy the production was for the domestics uses or was for self consumption while the colonial economy production was for sale .Before the colonial economy in East Africa the production  was for domestics while the colonial economy they preferred the cash crops for sale Example they establish large plantation in Tanganyika .
                   “production was mainly for export and
                    Marked oriented”[7]
Colonial economy was encouraging large plantation while the pre colonial economy encourage the small scale farming. Example in pre colonial economy was practice the agriculture production in small scale for the domestics use while in pre colonial production was associated with  large scale production like in Tanganyika and settle plantation in Kenya those are the large plantation and use modern way of cultivation like the use of machines.

Both engaged in agriculture production.pre colonial economy was  practice the small scale agriculture production for the domestics use  and the surplus was for  trade  also in colonial economy was engaged in agriculture production at large scale plantation  and produce the cash crops for their industries in Europe .
                      “sisal was introduced in Kenya 1902 in large plantation
                 Were established in thinka encourage the crowing of
 Both of them developed  trade .pre colonial economy was developed in barter trade system also the colonial economy was developed in trade system. But in the colonial economy in the trade money was the medium of Exchanging while in pre colonial economy preferred exchanging goods for goods
                            “early trade was carried out  on the basic  of barter
                           This  is the exchange of goods for goods  of people
                           Who had access to good clay would  make  more
                            Than  they needs another groups  that  was killed
                           In iron working  might exchange tool such as axes
                            And hand hoe for pots”[9]

 Both of them developed in Agriculture production. Before colonial and at bthe time of colonialism African developed in agriculture production  but before colonialism East African people were developed in small scale  agriculture production  for  the food staff only but in colonial economy was developed in modern large scale agriculture and use modern way of cultivation.
                       “The rural areas were experiencing similar changes
                        As those in the towns and there too the African sought
                       To improve their lot in varies ways. Commercial
                       Agricultural become an important stand in the improvement
                        And in it conflict began to emerge between the new out
                      Of mission schools and tribe chiefs who saw them as up
                      Start trying to interfere in profitable monopoly.”[10]
   Finally the colonial economy and the pre colonial economy there is the similarities and differences  in the but all I all the colonial economy aims at destroying African economy in all term socially ,economically, politically  So that his colonial economy destroyed the African by introduction of taxation, low wages ,forced labours ,land alienation, and other term..But the pre colonial economy aims at developed African In all term socially ,politically as well as economically.
1.      Asante, M.K(2007) THE HISTORY OF AFRICAN.  New York Press. 
2.      Okoth. A: HISTORY OF AFRICA 1915-1945, East Africa Education publishers Ltd 1988.
3.      Kato A.: THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICAN SOCIETIES, Mwanza evening adult 
                 School publisher.
      5.  Fr Jovitus, F. Mwijage: MAJOR EVENTS OF AFRICAN HISTORY, Morogoro Press                          
        6.   Rodney W. (1989) HOW EUROPE UNDER DEVELOPED AFRICA, East Africa   
                                             Educational Publisher.
7.      Lenin,V.I (1982) IMPERIALISM THE HIGHEST STAGE OF CAPITALISM. Moscow progress Publisher.