According  to  Ndabaningi  Sithole  (1963)

AFRICA  NATIONALISM  is  the desire  of  African  people  to  rule  themselves  and.  It  is  their  desire  to  terminate  all  foreign  rule  .  basically  African  nationalism  is  the  political  will  of  the  African  people  in  opposition  to  foreign  domination  but  in  favour  of  African  rule.  It represents  the  African’s  struggle  against  western colonialism  and  imperialism” 

According  to  Michael  Crowder:  Nationalism  is the  feeling  of  national  consciousness  or  awareness  by  the  people  that  they  are  members  of  nation  state  and  desire  freedom  from  colonial  rule.

According  to  Mwl  Kato;  African  nationalism  was literally  to  the  desire,  love  or  spirit  from  one  nation.  Nationalism  in  Africa  has  been  used  to  signify  the  struggle  for  independence  or  self  determination.

All  in  all we  can  define  nationalism  as  a  political  will  of  Africans  to  fight  against  colonial  exploitations  and  oppressions  for  the  intention   of  ruling  themselves  participated  by  all  Africans. 

 struggle  for  self  determination  had  different  aims  and  objectives  as  follows;

To  struggle for  self  independence  of  Africans  from  colonial  masters.  For  example  Tanganyika  struggled  for  self  rule  from  Britain.

Intended  to  help  workers  to fight  their  rights  through  forming  trade  unions  of  the  workers so  as  to  remove  exploitations.

To  put  away  all  forms  of  segregation  among  the  masses  and  to  promote  development  in  African  countries.  For  example  racial  segregation  in  south  Africa.

Another  is  gain  African  freedom  against  injustice  and  enequalities  of the  colonialists.

Last  but  not  least  is  to  promote  unity  and  solidarity  among  the  people  of  Africa  against  colonialism  in  African  continent.

The  following  are  the internal  reasons  for  the  rise  of  African  nationalism.  These  includes;

Independence  of  governments  like  Liberia  and  Ethiopia  which  escape  from being  under  colonialism.  They  therefore  become  source  of  inspiration  to  the  emergency  of  nationalists.

The role  of  African  education  in  the  colonies.  This  was  crucial  in  the  rise  of  nationalism  and  the  called  decolonization.  Education  was  given  to  some  Africans  in  the  missionaries  and  government  schools. Education  shaped  the  thought  of  Africans  and made  them  to  be  familiar  with  their  rights.  Example  of  these  elite  are  like  Nandi    Azikiwe,  Kwame  Nkrumah,  Jomo  Kenyatta  and  the  late  J.K  Nyerere  who  altogether  played  a  significant  role  in  the  formation  of  political  parties.

“The  nationalist  leaders  tried  to  do  this  by  mobilizing  mass  support  and  by  expressing  popular  demands.  They  intended  to use  their  centre  power  mass  support  to  write  all  people  of  the country  into  a  single nation  in  which  they  would  be  economic”


Educated  and  charismatic  people  were  the  leaders  of  the  struggle  who  focused  on  behalf  of  the   African  masses.  Example  of  these  leaders  are  like Kwame  Nkrumah  of  Ghana  Jomo  Kenyatta  of  Kenya  and  Julius  K Nyerere  of  Tanganyika.

It  was  also  based  on political  matters  as  a  gear  to  other  issues  of  African  societies 
It  was  motivated  by  both  external  and  internal   factors  unlike  those  before  1945  which  were  motivated  by  internal  factors.

Those  struggle  were  well  organized  and  well  planned  by  the African  educated  leaders  by  the  African  educated  leaders,  for example  the  late  Nyerere  of  Tanganyika.

Basically  it  was  national  wide  that  covered  the  whole  of  Africa  through  formation  of  political  parties  which  operated  rural  and  urban  areas

There  had  formation  of  social  welfare  association  which a  great  role  in  African  nationalism.  These  aimed  eliminating  poor  working  condition,  discrimination  and  colonial  exploitation  that  include  taxation  ,  forced  labour  ,  low  wages  and  land  alienation  for  Example  kikuyu  people  of  Kenya  highland  lost  their  land  settlers.  There  African  association  in  Tanganyika.
“The association  aimed to  improve  the  working  conditions  of African  workers  discrimination  and  colonial  abuse  in  African  such  association  largely  based  in  urban  centre  and  comprised  colonial  civil  servants  in  Kenya  formed  by  Herry  Thuku”

Another  factor  for  African  nationalism  is  the formation  of  independent  churches.  These churches  by  the  Africans  to  challenges  Europeans  church  leaders.  The  movement  were  not  for  religious  but  addressed  social  and  political  discontents.

“The  church  that  were  lead  by  Africans  breaking  away  from  main  streams  which  challenged  their  misdeeds  over  the  African.  They  were  addressed  not  only  religions  but  also  political,  social and  economic  grievance  of  African.  Example  the  African  national  church  in  Tanganyika  hence  they  openly  criticize  the  colonialists  and  encouraged  their  follower  to  fight  their  independence”
Europeans  also  exercised  intensive  exploitation  in  the  colonies,  this  was  after  the  second  world  war  whereby  African  resources  were  very  much  exported  in  Europe.

“In  the colonies,  the  colonizers  wanted  to  revamp  their  economies  which  were  havy  damaged  by  the  war,  large  scale  colonization  was  carried  out.  New  measures  to  increase production  in  the  colonies  and  to  reduce  the  metro pole    expenditure  on  the  colonies  were  introduced  like  land  alienation  to  establish  more  plantation  for  the  while  settlers,  forced  labour,  to  work  on  the  plantation”

Independence  of  Ghana  was  another  factors  for  nationalism.  The  independence  of  Ghana  in  1957  was  stimulated  African  nationalism  towards  the  struggle  for  independence.

“In  April  1958,  all  independence  state  include  Ethiopia,  Egypt,  Morocco  and  Tunisia   et  at  Accra  in  Ghana.  In  1960  their   meeting  continued  and  they  developed  plans  to  assist  in  the  liberation  struggle  of  other  countries”

The  role  of  Italo-Ethiopia   conflict.  The  war  fought  from  1935-1941  between  Italy  and  Ethiopia  under  Musolin  and  Haile  Selasie  and  Ras  Imru  respectively  pumped  the  rise  of African  nationalism. The  war  helped  African  countries  to  boost   African  to  fight  against   the  enemity  of  colonialism  and  attain  their  independence.


The  rise  of  Pan  Africanism  since  1900.  This  was  a  movement  which  opposed  the  oppression  for  all  the  Black  people  in  the world.  It  was  founded  in  America  by  the  people  of  African  origin,  the  most  important  were  William  Dubois  and  Marcus  Garvey.  These  people  argued  that  African  was  for  the  Africans  and  encouraged  people  to  struggle  for  self  rule  and  later  from  the  united  state  of  America  through  the  creation  of  political  parties  to  fight  against  colonial  rule.  Pan  africanism  provided  moral  and  material  support.

“Pan – Africanism  movement  declared  that  African  had  to  be  independent. Most  of  Africans  were  inspired  by  the  declaration  and  started  struggle  for  independence.   It  provided  moral  and  material  support  to  the  nationalist.  Moral  support  helped  growing  ideas  and  advice  in  the  struggle  which  had  to  be  used  by  the  African  to  eradicate  colonialism.  Pan-Africanism  gave  fund  to  assist  the  leaders  during  the  struggle  for  independence”

The  impact  of  the  first  and  second word  wars  led  to  African  nationalism.

“African  soldiers  developed  a  deeper  political  consciousness  as  a  result  of  travelling  widely and  other  participation  in  the  war.  They  saw  many  lands  and  many  people  experienced  new  technical  skill  in  advanced  weapon  and  driving  military  vehicle,  many  received  institution  on  European  language,  French  and  English  learn  both  newspapers  and  listen  wireless  bulletin, also  they  came  to  conditised    other  African”

Another  factors  is  the  rise  of  united  nation  (UN)   and  the  power  of  world  open  also  led  to  the  open  also  led  to  the  rise  of  African  nationalism.

“A  new  vector  in  international  policies,  word  opinion  emerged  with  the  period  between  the  Banding  conference  in  1955  and  the  year  of  African  independence  from  1960.  World  opinion  crystallized  in  the  united  nation,  which  become  a fore  most  agency  for listerning  decolonization  even  at  its  inception  in  San  Fransisco   1945,  the  UN  had  an  ant-colonial  that  provoked  deep  foreboding  in  delogoles  representing   colonial  interest”

The  open  door  policy  of  united  state  of  America  also  contributed  a  lot  to  the  African  Nationalistic  struggle.

“The USA  reinforced  its open door policy and  supported  decolonization  since  it  need centres  for  raw  materials,  markets  and  areas  for  investment.  The  colonies  could  gain  their  independence  (Neo-colonialism)”

The  returning  soldiers  from  first  and  second  world  war  widened  the  political  horizon  of   African  who  involved  in  the   war.  African  came  to  know  the  meeting  of  freedom.  Self  determination  and  democracy.  This  stimulated  political  feeling  and  struggle  for  their  independence.

Socialism  opposed  exploitation  of  one  man  by  another.  The  rise  of  USSR  as  a  socialist   leading  country  made  it  arrange  for  destruction  of  colonialism.  Socialist  ideology  which  was  archieved    in  USSR  in  1917,  china  in  1958.  Since  she  was  against  exploitation  declared  to  support  all  nationalist  movement  morally  and  materially.

High number of illiteracy among Tanzania since large number of Tanzania’s was unable even to read and write. During  that time colonial education was mostly seggregative and more discriminative only son’s of chiefs and Jumbes were allowed to get that education but the majority were unable even to read and write. Through newspaper and magazine with ideas of nationalism was only for those know to read only which were very few in Tanzania.
Many people during the nationalism movement were illiterate and the colonialist never took the trouble to educate them”[1]
Religious differences. These situations time nationalistic movement. For instance at the time of independence in Tanganyika the opposition from the church missionary society. This rued that any Christianity convert would not join political parties. As result the process of liberation was very difficult.

Tribaism and ethnics. During the nationalism movement most African were derived along tribal and ethnic friends. It was intolerable. For instance to put together the Hausa and the Ibo in Nigeria to fight against European colonization like wise a similar code appeared in Uganda for Buganda and the Nyankole did not unite to fight European imperialisms similar situation also appeared in Congo where the Kathi, Buluba did not want to be ruled by Bune Luluia. For the case of Tanganyika some trible nigleted to unite by the fearing of colonialism examples during the Majimaji war some tribes joined the war like Ngoni Matumbi Zaramo and others but the rest didn’t unite.

Poor  techniques of fighting was also the problems of nationalist in struggle for independence in Tanzania. They applied out fashioned methods of fighting to resist colonialism like passive resistance among peasant to work in plantation which were to work in plantations which were very old methods of fighting to regain their right.

“Clearly it would have been surprising if Tanzanian’s did not change their techniques for fighting for their independence as one political failed to gain them their independence”[2]
Stagnation of agriculture production, during the struggle for independence many people engaged in fighting for liberation and issues of production failed result agriculture decrease.

Lack of political machinery people for a longtime. It was unlawful for Africans  to found political party. Concequently it became extremely  hard to organize the citizens for libration struggle. To worsen the situation at the time of independence the freedom fighte like mwalimu Nyerere labled as te political innovators hooligans and this was take to facts that had no specific party ay first had organized like Tanganyika  territory Africa civil Servant Association (TTACSA)  and Tanganyika  African Associatiom  (TAA) this based  on legislative council but had no support since based on a particular  area J.K Nyerere took trmendo role to mobilize people where here were also ANC where Nyerere crushed both political parties and in Jully 1957 formed Tanganyika.  African Asssociation Union.

“that why it took longtime for nationalistic like the late Jomo Kenyata of Kenya the Late J.K.Nyerere to form a mass political party and gain independence”[3]
Non of this was nationalistic movement but they were the elements from which nationalist movement was created” [4]

Opposition for colonial government to introduce ethnicism. The colonial government attempted to divide the chiefs of Tanganyika at the meeting of chiefs in 1957, the Governor Twinning attempted to drive a wedge between traditional rulers and members of the nationalist movement. He emphasized to the chiefs that they were the custodians of traditions values. They propagated colour prejudices and racial segregation among the people.

“The major aim of this party (U.T.P) was generating propaganda in an attempt to rest the growth and spread of TANU furthermore the aprty was intended to be an instrument of European political domination in Tanganyika”[5]
The  process  of  African  nationalism  took  longtime  and  it  costed  nationalist  morally  and  material  within  Africa,  the  new  world  as  well  the  world  at  large.  Long  term  exploitation,  humiliation,  discrimination,  racial  segregation  were  among  the  reason  which  forced  African  to  struggle  to  the  maximum  point  for  their  freedom  and  independence.
1)                  Boahena.  A. (1964)  TOPICS  IN  WEST  AFRICA;  London  Clevendon
2)                  IBID  (1996)  ASPECT  OF  AFRICA  HISTORY,  East  Africa  seris
3)                  Coleman  S.  J  Sular  L,  R  (1994) ;  NATIONALISM  AND  DEVELOPMENT  IN  AFRICA 
4)                  Katto,  A  92002)    A MASTERING  THE  ORIGIN  AND  DEVELOPMENT  OF  MODERN  AFRICA  STATE 
5)                  Louis   L.S  (1968)  ;  THE  NEW  NATION  ;By  Cornell  University
6)                  Mwijage  K,F  (2004)  MAJOR  EVENTS  IN  AFRICAN  HISTORY,  Salvatorium  Morogoro