What was Ujamaa?
the Swahili for 'familyhood'. was the social and economic policy developed
by Julius Kambarage Nyerere, president of Tanzania from 1964 to
1985. Centered on collective agriculture, under a process called
villagization, ujamaa also
called for nationalization of banks and industry, and an increased level of
self-reliance at both an individual and a national level.
Nyerere set out his policy in the Arusha
Declaration of 5 February 1967.
The process started slowly and was voluntary,
by the end of the 60s there were only 800 or so collective settlements. In the
70s, Nyerere's reign became more oppressive, and the move to collective
settlements, or villages, was enforced. By the end of the 70s, there were over
2,500 of these 'villages'.
The idea for collective agriculture was sound
-- it was possible to provide equipment, facilities, and material for a rural
population if they were brought together in 'nucleated' settlements, each of
around 250 families. It made the distribution of fertilizer and seed easier,
and it was possible to provide a good level of education to the population.
Villagization also overcame the problems of 'tribalization' which beset other
newly independent African countries.
Nyerere's socialist outlook required
Tanzania's leaders to reject capitalism and all its trimmings, showing
restraint over salary and perks.
But it was rejected by a significant fraction
of the population. When the main foundation of ujamaa, villagization, failed -- productivity was supposed to be
increased through collectivization, instead, it fell to less than 50% of what
was achieved on independent farms -- towards the end of Nyerere's rule,
Tanzania had become one of Africa's poorest countries, dependent on
international aid.
Ujamaa was
brought to an end in 1985 when Nyerere stepped down from the presidency in favor of Ali
Hassan Mwinyi.
Pros of Ujamaa
- Created high literacy rate
- Halved infant mortality through access to medical
facilities and education
- Untied Tanzanians across ethnic lines
- Left Tanzania untouched by the 'tribal' and political
tensions which affected the rest of Africa
Cons of Ujamaa
- Transportation networks declined drastically through
- Industry and banking were crippled
- Left the country dependent on international aid
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