TESTING-is the process of administering a test. According to Wiersma and Jurs(1985) ,Test refer to a set of items or questions designed  to be presented to one or more students under specified conditions.The first things a teacher can ask him or herself before constructing a test is that “how well does the individual students perform in comparison with other students?”.However, as a tool for data collection in education context tests can have weaknesses when not properly handled. The weaknesses can arise from
·         Sampling of test items
·         Sample size especially if the sample is not widely spread
·         Administration-is the environment where the test is done conducive?, A teacher need to provide a good physical and psychological environment during testing to ensure validity . E.g.  the room needs to be well ventilated, with enough right .Psychological ,a teacher or any test administrator should not use threats and excessive warning which may disturb a student . 
All test categories fall under two group, they can be teacher made (man made test) or professional (standardized tests –made by professional board ).
Test are not limited to paper and pencil inventories; there wide ranges of test samples as follow;
(i)Individual /group tests
       Individual tests- comprises things like interview and normal classroom tests
      Group- group work -Some students tend to do better in individual test while others in group tests.
(ii)Power (time)/speeded tests (amount).
          Powered tests-students are being given much time to complete an assignment
          Speeded test-Amount of test items per test become bigger compared to the amount of time given to complete .This can lead to errors.
N.B:A test should be balanced both in power (time)and speed (amount of what is tested /content )in order to be valid and reliable .
(iii)Verbal/non verbal tests
              Verbal –mostly tests communications skills
              Non verbal –tests physical performance or psychological skills.
(iv)Paper and pencil/performatory tests
              Paper and pencil-Normal exams
             performatory tests-Action /psychomotor skills.
Babyegeye  E.B.,(1998).Test and measurements .The open university of Tanzania .Dar es salaam.
Ebel  R.L., and Frisbie,D.A (1991).Essentials of Educational Measurement .New York :Prentice Hall.
Gronlund ,N.E and Linn ,R.L (1990),Measurement and Evaluation  in Teaching.N.Y.Macmillan.
Omary ,I.M.(1995).Conceptualizing Quality in Primary Education .papers in Education and Development,16,25-48.
Thorndike ,R.L,and Hagen, E.P.,(1991) .Measurements and Evaluation in psychology and Education:New York .Macmillan.
Tyler,E.E.,(1964).Test and Measurements New Jersey .Prentice Hall.
Wiersma, W. and Jurs .S.G, (1985).Educational Measurement and Testing .Allyn and Bacon ,Inc.USA