The traditional factors like nearness of sources of raw materials, motive power, nearness of markets, labor supply etc have no longer remained the effective pulling forces in the location of industries. The location trends have changed substantially due to the development of substitute raw materials, network of electrification and transportation .The recent trends in the selection of industrial location can be described as under:
Priority for the suburban areas,The industrialists show their preference for the suburban area as the site for establishment of a new unit or relocation of the existing one. The industrial policy of the government does not permit the establishment of a new unit or expansion of an existing one in city areas. At the same time infrastructure facilities are developed in the suburban areas.
Industrial development in the notified backward areas,In order to have balanced regional development, the Central Government as well as the State Government has notified certain backward areas Different types of incentives like cash subsidy, tax relief, financial assistance with low interest rates, cheaper land and power supply etc are provided.
Establishment of Industrial estate,Industrial estate is a piece of vast land sub-divided into different industrial plots wherein factory sheds are constructed.
Decentralization of industries,Under the conscious industrial policy of the Government, concentration of industrial units is prevented through licensing policy. New units are not permitted to be started in certain industrially congested areas.
Increased role of the Government in the decision of location of industries,Government through its persuasive and compulsive methods greatly influences the location decision in recent times. It provides certain attractive incentives to the promoters to establish their units in less developed areas, at the same time it does not permit excessive industrialization in certain developed areas.
Bogart, W .T( 1998)The Economics of Cities and Suburbs. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.  Prentice Hall