Introduction / History
The Machinga's homeland is nestled between
Lindi and Kilwa Kivinje in a mountainous area inland from the Indian Ocean
coast of Tanzania. Their name is fitting for Machinga means
"mountains." It is a beautiful area. The neighboring people groups
are the Matumbi to the north, Mwera on the west and the Makonde to the south.
What are Their Lives Like?
The life of villagers living along the coast
revolves around the fishing industry. They construct their own boats, maintain
them and market their catch of the day. Inland, up in the mountains, the people
rely on produce grown on their small farms.
The Machinga value education. Each village has
a primary school and secondary schools are regional, serving a number of
villages. As an example, one secondary school has a good complex with buildings
constructed from cement blocks, stuccoed exteriors and with aluminum roofs.
The school has an enrollment of around 400
students. The administrators and teachers are non-Machinga personnel. The
students are housed in private homes in the local village.
A happy marriage is highly valued too. The
groom is asked to pay a small dowry for his bride and to take good care of her.
It is rather common for the Machinga to intermarry with their Mwera neighbors.
What are Their Beliefs?
Islam dominates the Machinga society.
Attendance at the mosque is important and great emphasis is placed on training
their children at the madrassa. Often the madrassa structure is superior to
that of the mosque.
A village may be totally Islamic but a
majority of the people is only Muslim by birth. These nominal Islamic peoples
are fertile soil in which to sow the gospel.
However, historically new converts are
pressured to return to Islam and Christian workers are driven from their
villages. Outsiders in government service or teachers in their schools who are
Christians usually practice their faith covertly.
Origins of Tanzania Machinga People and their
Their ethno-linguistic group is most commonly
said to have its origins in western Cameroon, although how it's possible to be
so certain over migrations that date back over four millennia, I really don't
What is certain is that, these People
certainly came from the region of central Africa, from where they and/or their
culture began expanding to other parts of sub-Saharan Africa around 2000 BC.
The cause of these migrations are believed to
have been the result of an increasingly settled agricultural lifestyle:
although needing little land (far less than herding cattle would), land had to
be fertile and well-watered for cultivation to be a viable alternative.
Population pressure in central Africa may
therefore have prompted the first migrations.
Several successive waves of migrations over
the following millennia followed on the tracks of the first.
They were neither planned nor instantaneous,
put took place gradually over hundreds and thousands of years, allowing plenty
of time for these people and their culture to spread and be influenced by other
cultures it came across, either through assimilation or - more rarely, it seems
- conquest.
Traditional Music of Tanzania Machinga People
Traditionally, music was the most widely
practiced art in their community. At any time of the day or night, some music
was being made. Music was not made for its own sake.
Music was functional. It was used for
ceremonial, religious, political, or incidental purposes.
Music was performed during funerals, to praise
the departed, to console the bereaved, to keep people awake at night,
to express pain and agony, and was also used during cleansingand chasing
away of spirits.
Music was also played during ceremonies like
beer parties ,welcoming back the warriors from a war, during a wrestling match
,during courtship, etc.
Work songs also existed. These were performed
both during communal work like building, weeding, etc. and individual work like
pounding of cereals, or winnowing.
Music was also used for ritual purposes like
chasing away evil spirits who visit the village at night, in rain making, and
during divinations and healing.
Their music was shaped by the total way of
life, lifestyles, and life patterns of individuals of this community.
Because of that, the music had characteristics
which distinguished it from the music of other communities.
This can be seen, heard, and felt in their
melodies, rhythms, mode of presentation and dancing styles, movements, and
The melodies in their music were lyrical, with
a lot of vocal ornamentations. These ornaments came out clearly, especially
when the music carried an important message.
Their rhythms were characterized by a lot of
syncopation and acrusic beginning. These songs were usually presented in
solo-response style, although some were solo performances.
The most common forms of solo performances
were chants. These chants were recitatives with irregular rhythms and phrases,
which carried serious messages.
Another unique characteristic in their music
is the introduction of yet another chant at the middle of a musical
The singing stops, the pitch of the musical
instruments go down and the dance becomes less vigorous as an individual takes
up the performance is self praise
Family life and Marriage Customs of Tanzania
Machinga People.
Marriage was traditionally considered to be
the most significant event in the lives of both men and women.
It was thought inappropriate for anyone to
remain unmarried. Large families ensured adequate numbers of workers.
The system of polygamy (multiple wives)
guaranteed that all people married.
The significance of bride wealth is
increasing, even among educated Africans.
Members of the groom's family initiate a
process of negotiation with the bride's family that may unfold over many years.
Negotiations can be intense, and for this
reason a "go-between," who is neutral to the interests of each
family, is used.
Most Africans believe that divorce cannot
occur after bride wealth has been exchanged and children are born.
Even if separation happens, the couple is
still ideally considered to be married. Failure to have children, however, is
thought to be the fault of the bride and, for this, she will be divorced or
replaced by another wife.
Cattle are the primary item given in bride
wealth. In determining the value of a prospective bride, her family takes into
account her health, appearance, and, nowadays, her level of formal education.
Failure of men to raise a high bride wealth
prompts many of them to propose elopement, a practice that is on the rise
Young people in East Africa still tend to
marry within their own ethnic groups. Tribal elders frequently caution against
"intertribal marriages."
The more distant the ethnic group in space and
customs from the within, the greater the cautionary warnings.
Traditional Dressing and Clothing Etiquette of
Tanzania Machinga People.
, these people wore minimal clothing. Animal
hides were used to cover private parts, but there was no stigma (shame)
associated with nudity.
Nowadays, clothing styles are largely Western
in origin. They vary according to a person's social class and lifestyle
It is not uncommon to see people in remote
rural areas fashionably dressed according to some of the latest tastes.
People in cities tend to wear clothing that is
cosmopolitan by rural standards and similar to the clothing worn in New York or
In rural areas, most people dress according to
their work routines.
For example, women wear loose-fitting dresses
made of solid or printed cotton fabric while farming or attending market.
Wearing sandals or going barefoot are typical while working.
Men wear jeans as work pants while farming.
During the rainy season, the roads can become very muddy; consequently, boots
and umbrellas are especially prized by both men and women.
These days, there is a strong market in
second-hand clothing, making slacks, dresses, coats, undergarments, sweaters,
shoes, handbags, belts, and other items available to even poorer families.
These people enjoy dressing up for funerals
and weddings and are considered throughout east Africa to be very fashionable.
Etiquette of Tanzania Machinga People
Tanzanians are proud of their disciplined
upbringing. The ability to keep control of one's temper and emotions in public
is highly valued.
Young men and women in rural areas are not
supposed to show mutual affection in public in daylight, although this rule is
often broken in urban centers. Boys and men, however, are commonly seen in
public holding hands as a sign of friendship.
I n many rural areas, women are not supposed
to smoke, talk in a raised voice, or cross their legs while sitting or
Traditionally, elders are honored and
respected by the rest of the community, although youth are increasingly
challenging such customs as arranged marriages.
Although the use of silverware is increasing,
traditional customs prescribe eating all foods, including rice and meat sauces,
with the right hand.
Children who attempt to eat with their left
hands are disciplined appropriately at very early ages.
This custom is related to the perceived
symbolic purity of the right hand, compared to the left hand which is often
used for cleaning after using the toilet.
Traditional Food and Cuisines of Tanzania Machinga
primary crops are maize (corn), millet, and
sorghum. Coffee, tobacco, cotton, and sugarcane are important cash crops.
Important animals include sheep, goats, chickens, and cattle, which are used
for bride wealth.
Fish from Lakes and their streams are
important, especially talapia. Many foods are purchased, including sugar,
bread, and butter, which are consumed with tea on a daily basis, a custom known
as "tea time" and derived from the British colonial era, which ended
in 1963.
The staple food eaten several times a day is
ugali. This is made from maize meal stirred in boiling water until it becomes a
thick and smooth porridge. Ugali is always eaten with an accompaniment such as
meat or stew.
Greens (sukumawiki) are also frequently eaten
with ugali. Maize, popular throughout Kenya,Tanzania and Uganda is frequently
sold for money.
This has led many families to sell their maize
when financially pressed for money. For this reason, there is a periodic famine
throughout East Africa that occurs every year during the long, dry season prior
to harvest.
Cultural heritage of Tanzania Machinga People.
These people consider their entire traditional
way of life to be an important community resource.
There is a great deal of disagreement over
what should be preserved and what should change. Customs centering on marriage
and gender relations are hotly debated.
Songs are popular today as in the past.
Musicians praise and lament political, generational, economic, and cultural
contradictions in contemporary life.
Luo devote much time to listening to music,
and regularly purchase records, tapes, and CDs. Christian church music is also
a form of entertainment.
Traditional Employment of Tanzania Machinga
The most notable fact about their economy is
that women play the primary role in farming. Before the introduction of the
modern money economy, the garden was the centerpiece of the women's world of
Industrious women could earn considerable
wealth by exchanging their garden produce for animals, handicrafts, pots, and
A young girl is expected to help her mother
and her mother's co-wives in farming land owned by her father, brothers, and
paternal uncles. Even though a girl may go to school and rise to a prominent
position in society, there is often still a strong association with the land
and digging.
Men are preoccupied with livestock and spend a
great deal of time in "social labor" concerned with placing their
cattle in good contexts, such as bride wealth exchanges, trading partnerships,
and commercial sales. In the modern economy, cattle and goats have a monetary
value as well. Men have control over animals and cash crops.
Child Rearing and Education with Tanzania
Machinga People.
Until the age of five or so for boys, and
until adolescence for girls, children have the most contact with their mothers,
sisters, and other female relatives.
Both boys and girls attend school if the
parents can afford the fees. If there is not sufficient money for both to
attend, the boy is usually favored, and the girl remains home to help her
mother until she gets married and moves away.
Students are supposed to respect their
teachers, and corporal punishment is still practiced in Tanzanian schools although
at a less extent.
Among some ethnic groups, puberty ceremonies
for boys and girls are practiced. Marking the transition to adulthood, such
elaborate ceremonies may involve circumcision of boys and several kinds of
genital surgery on girls.
Unsterile surgical procedures performed on
girls may have severe health consequences.
Higher Education.
As fees for schooling have risen, families are
finding it difficult to send their children to secondary schools.
The wealthy send their older children to
boarding schools both within and outside the country, although they worry that
the materialistic influences of the modern world and lack of family supervision
will negatively influence their children.
Cultural perception on Death and the Afterlife
of Tanzania Machinga People.
Death is a part of daily life for an African.
In regions hit hard by the AIDS epidemic, families are often not able to afford
the time or resources to follow traditional mourning and burial customs, which
differ by religion and ethnic group.
Among many ethnic groups, the
"ancestors" assume an extremely important role. Ancestor spirits are
remembered through various rituals and are believed to exert me significant
influence on daily life.
For example, at drinking occasions, so people
pour a small libation of beer onto the ground in respect of the ancestors. In
other cases, a small vessel of beer is left in a special location as an
offering to the ancestors.
In still other cases, sacrifices of a chicken
or goat, for example, are made to the ancestors in ceremonies that vary
according to ethnicity.
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