The Sukuma of Tanzania
Location: The Sukuma live in northwestern Tanzania on or near the southern shores of Lake Victoria, and the territory
has been divided into nine administrative districts of the Mwanza and Shinyanga
Region. The northern area of their residence is in the famous Serengeti
Plain. Sukuma families have migrated southward, into the Rukwa area,
encroaching on the territory of the Pimbwe. These Sukuma have settled outside
Pimbwe villages.
Sukuma area is mostly a flat scrubless savannah plain between 3000 and 4000 ft.
elevation. Twenty to forty inches of rain fall from November to March.
High temperatures range from 79 to 90 while lows at night seldom drop
below the upper 50's. Population is very spread out among small farm
plots and sparse vegetation.
History: Ancestors of the Sukuma were part of the extensive
migrations of people speaking early forms of Bantu speech, in the first
millennium AD. They, along with the Nyamwezi farther south, seem to
belong to the same group as the Bantu of western Uganda.
appears their ancestors left that area before the invasion of the Hima
Cushites, since their culture and language show no influences of the Hima or
the later Lwoo invaders in the Nyoro-Kigezi areas of Uganda, Tanzania and
Rwanda. This puts the Sukuma in their current area by about 1300 AD.
appears that the pastoral Hima were actually there when the Sukuma arrived.
Sukuma tradition says they drove out the Hima who subsequently
established their kingdoms farther west, around Lake Victoria.
Identity: The Sukuma are the largest ethnic group in
Tanzania. The Sukuma are a Bantu-speaking people numbering over about 5.5
million, by current estimates. Commonly sources will report major
divisions: the Kinakia (Kinakiya) of the north and the more dispersed Kisomao of the south.
from a local source indicates that the larger group called Sukuma divide
themselves into 2 groups called the Sukuma and Balatulu, then further
sub-groupings called clans. The Kisomao are reported to live in the
Busumabu area. The Kinakiya are more similar in culture and seems to
share kinship with the Balatulu. This source reports that the major clan
is Kamba, a name most sources do not even mention.
Kamba Sukuma claim some relationship with the Kamba of Kenya, though the Kamba
of Kenya deny this relationship. Other Western
Lake Bantu
groups share various affinities with other Eastern Highland Bantu, so the Kamba
connection seems plausible.
many workers among the Sukuma define them as a single people,
many Sukuma consider the clan groups as distinct, suggesting the possibility
that "Sukuma" may not be a meaningful, cultural category.
Language: Swahili is the national
language in
Tanzania and all education through secondary school is in Swahili. The
Sukuma language, like Swahili, is a Bantu language. Unlike Swahili,
Sukuma is tonal and some missionaries have considered its difficulty to be a
barrier to mission work.
Customs: The Sukuma are generally considered to be
matriarchal in clan lineage and naming system. They grow crops, raise
livestock, and gather a diminishing supply of firewood. It is common for
the Sukuma women to do the majority of the family's work. The Kinakia are
subsistence farmers growing cotton, cassava, rice and
Kisomao grow the same crops as the Kinakia but rely more on herding cattle.
The Balatulu on the eastern reaches of Sukuma area, on the plains away
from the forests, where conditions are more conducive to their cattle herding.
nbsp;The southernmost Sukuma among the Pimbwe both farm and herd cattle.
is the main cash crop but the typical cash
income is
nominal. Abundance of offspring and traditional group dance mark
important aspects of their society. The Sukuma dance to the music of
drums to celebrate the various events of life.
(pop. 250,000+) and Shinyanga (pop. 40,000+) are the only major cities among
the Sukuma. These cities are 70-90% Sukuma residents. These are the
only places where electricity is available. All roads aregravel or earth except one section of highway
from Mwanza to Musoma along the lake.
Religion: Christianity, although introduced to the culture over a
hundred years ago by Catholic missionaries, has not formed a church presence
capable of reaching its people. The vast majority have retained a belief
in divination, magic, and spiritism.
Christianity: It is estimated that about 10% of the Sukuma are
Christian. Traditionally, the Sukuma have been perceived as slow to
change, passive and yet friendly.
mission work began in
the early 1900s, with The Africa Inland Mission membership reaching into the
thousands. The Church
Missionary Society (Anglican)
established early work at Nasa and Ihelele. However, sources report that
a growing felt need for improvement developed in the 1980s and 90s.
the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Baptist Mission implemented the Sukuma
Project, an intensive team-oriented evangelistic thrust. This project
resulted in a notable increase in response to the gospel among the Sukuma.
project involved coordinated efforts in a sequence of evangelism, baptism and
church planting and discipleship training. This proved that the Sukuma
were responsive to the Christian message.
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